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10 Tips For Safe Driving Around Construction Zones





We are all aware of the current constructions going on in Lagos and some other parts of the country,but very few people are really aware of what safety procedures they should take seriously.
Here are some tips to ensure your safety around construction zones :

1.Stay Alert For Construction Signs 

Always stay alert for construction signs ,whether or not you are familiar with the road.

2.Obey The Flaggers

This is not a time to claim your right  ,when the flaggers give you an instruction,its for your own safety and the safety of others.Its best to obey them always.

3.Be Patient

Sometimes you might be flagged down and delayed for a considerable period of time.Just be patient ,don’t try to overtake and force your way through.

4.Keep Some Distance

The vehicle in front of you might ,need to make an abrupt stop or reverse ,because of debris or any other reason.Its best to allow considerable amount of space between your vehicle and the one in front of you.

5.Slow Down !

Everyone should know this ,but some people ignore it .You should always slow down in construction zones.The unexpected can occur at any time.When you are moving slowly it would be easier to avoid a mishap.

6.Pay Attention And Be Alert !

Leave your phone alone !,don’t use the opportunity of  “go slow” to check your phone.You would easily prevent mishaps if you are alert and focused on the road and your surroundings.

7.Don’t Drive Too Close To The Edge

Drainages are also being created ,especially in Lagos.Some folks make the mistake of driving too close to the edge of the road.This is not safe because the soil there is loose as a result of the digging by the heavy machines.It can easily give way ,or you might get stuck especially when it rains.

8.Don’t Drive Against Traffic

Except you are instructed by officials to drive on the other lane against traffic,don’t do it !.A lot of folks do this a lot ,especially around Dopemu(Under Bridge Area).It’s not safe.

9.Don’t Drive Too Close To Large Machines

Stay as far away as possible away from large construction machines.Unexpected mishaps can occur,like a large pile of debris falling on your car.Stay away !.

10.Always Stay Buckled Up

This is one of the most repeated safety measure,its because its one of the most important.No matter how slow you are moving ,always buckle your seatbelt !.




Remember the constructions are for the benefit of everyone .Stay safe,be patient ! .

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  1. Adewale Aderemi

    September 5, 2017 at 15:39

    Nice one, a must read for all road users. Credits to Autojosh…

    • AutoJosh

      September 6, 2017 at 13:43

      Thanks for the compliment

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