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12 Funny Scenarios You Can Relate To If You Have Ever Entered Danfo Bus




Lagos is a very crazy place, Danfo buses are crazier! We experience a lot, especially in these buses.

Let’s have some fun, it’s weekend joor!

1. The look on your face when Ambode said he would ban Danfo buses

2. How people hustle for the last seat during rush hour


3. The driver in his “infinite wisdom” decides to bring out a sachet of Chelsea hot drink and stick it in his mouth


4. You decide to mind your business and check updates on Autojosh and somebody starts peeping at your phone


5. Then your bus driver out of gra gra scratches a 2017 Range Rover, with a military logo on the car/windscreen

6. How the conductor runs and leaves the driver to enjoy his “moment of truth”


7. You left the bus for another  to avoid wasting your time, only to notice a fine geh inside the new bus


8. Then she gives you the same look you gave the “shakees” driver in the other bus, when you try to collect her number


9. When you taught you could finally enjoy the rest of the journey, a “pastor” starts preaching in the bus -two minutes later he converts preaching to drug advertisement


10. Your head has been hitting the body of the bus because of too many gallops and bad roads and some people inside the bus have the guts to argue about politics and quality of the roads like :


11. You slept off, just woke up and should have alighted at Maryland, only to discover the bus has gotten to Yaba

…all of you in this bus are wicked,ordinary sleep you people cannot wake me …..

12. You finally alighted then remembered you forgot to collect change of #850

Just lemme faint in peace… I was kuku sleeping before.





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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Dapson

    November 13, 2017 at 12:15


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