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6 Important Things You Should Know Before Opening an Auto Mechanic Shop




An auto mechanic shop is a shop whose range of services include repairs and servicing of cars, motorcycles, etc. Before one decides to open an auto mechanic shop, there are certain things he must know and decide on. Some of which are:

  1. The Type of vehicles to Focus On

Before you open your auto mechanic shop, you must first make the decision on the type of vehicles your shop would focus on. Will your shop accept all brands of vehicle or you’ll focus on specific brands? Will it focus on only trucks or motorcycles? Don’t go put up a banner like “We fix Rolls Royce here” when indeed you are not even aware some cars  use V12 engines.

  1. What Services to Render

You need to decide on the type of services you would offer to your clients. Will you offer full car repairs and diagnostics, spare parts sales, lube bay, home service etc? You need to make this decision early before you open your auto mechanic shop in order to know what setup to put in place.

  1. Get Registered with the Relevant Authorities

Before you open the doors to clients, you should ensure that you register with all the relevant authorities and bodies to avoid any hiccups in the course of your operations. Register with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), register with the tax authorities, open a bank account, register with an association that regulates auto technicians in your area.

  1. Type of Clients to Focus on

You also need to decide on the type of clients you wish to serve. Would your auto mechanic shop focus on private individuals or would it gear towards corporate clients and businesses?

  1. Location

The choice of your location can greatly affect the choice of the type of clients you serve. You should open your auto mechanic shop in a location where it will be easier for potential clients to find you.

  1. Number of Employees (if any)

You need to decide if you would require the services of an employee. If so, how many would you require? You also need to decide what type of services such employees are expected to render.


A mechanic shop is a business like every other business, and should be taken seriously as though everything is dependent on it – cos your money is really at stake.
