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Important Notice: Do Not Buy A New York Car. You Won’t Be Able To Ship It To Nigeria



vehicle exports boston

You have been notified not to buy cars with New York title, because they won’t get approval for export by US Customs. This information is coming from the USA Customs and Border Protection. Sallaum shipping line also notified the public about the latest development. Are you into car export or import from New York in USA? This is for you.

Please see the official notification  from US Customs and Border Protection:

Effective immediately, residents of the State of New York will no longer be eligible to apply or renew membership in U.S. Customs and Border Protection Trusted Traveler Programs due to state legislation that restricts CBP’s access to certain criminal history information maintained by the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

In addition, the Vehicle Exports program will be affected. Vehicles with New York title may be de-prioritized for export, as resource limitations require, when supporting documents cannot be authenticated through information sharing with New York DMW.

Also, see the below official notification received from SALLAUM LINES regarding vehicles with NEW YORK TITLES/SALVAGE CERTIFICATES:

Effective immediately and until further notice, ALL automobile/vehicles delivered for export (Nationwide (any port in USA)) with NY State documentation will not clear USCBP and cannot load.

Any/All titles submitted to USCBP on February 6th, February 7th and subsequent dates will NOT CLEAR USCBP for export and will remain on ground until further notice.

Please advise all your drivers of the below bulleting, and make sure they do not attempt to make any deliveries of NY State titled vehicles; THEY WILL REJECT CARGO AT THE GATE.

Do you have plans to buy a New York titled car and export from USA to Nigeria? You need to have a rethink.

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  1. DART

    February 13, 2020 at 09:23


    • AutoJosh

      February 17, 2020 at 11:37

      You won’t be able the export the car from the USA. So this also applies to other countries.

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