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This Is The Best Android Car Racing Game For Nigerians



I have played a lot of games, especially on the android platform. Narrowing the list down to car racing games, there are many to choose from, but considering some factors very peculiar to Nigerians, I have chosen one which I think know is the best.

Here are some factors taken into consideration:

Download size : Its just 25-35 MB depending on the version

Storage space: It’s highly compressed so after installing, it takes about 150-250mb of your storage space

Extra game data: Unlike other games you really don’t need to download any extra game data, some games can kill somebody with extra 1 – 2 GB extra game data. This game is different. Once you download 25MB, that’s it!

Graphics: On a scale of 1-10 this game comfortably sits at 7 without shaking.

Ram Usage: Despite its awesome graphics, I tested it on 500 MB  and 1 GB RAM  phones and there were no lags (lags occurred sometimes when you have internet data on and some other apps open in the background, especially Facebook)

Multiplayer: It has an awesome multi-player feature with daily and weekly contests, despite its small size!

Data Consumption/Usage: I tested the multi-player feature using a 2G network and it worked fine 7 out of 10 times, the data consumption rate is fairly considerable as well.

Cars:  There is a long list of approximately 50 cars to choose from, my favorites are Lamborghini Sesto Elemento and McLaren P1. Their drifting and handling no be here ?

If I start talking about this game ehn we will not leave here today ??

I know, calm down na, I have been wetting your appetite without spilling the name of the app.

Some of you already have it installed, but for the benefit of those that don’t ,it’s Asphalt Nitro

Check out some screenshots:


Oh! I forgot to add that the sound effects and action is awesome!!! Especially when playing Catch (Police and thief ?), you experience a “Fast and Furious” kind of action !!!

Check out the trailer and gameplay below:

You can download the game here :

Check import duty for over 5,000 cars in Nigeria..

Screen shots : mobygames



  1. Walepsalm

    November 13, 2017 at 18:51

    Wow! I just downloaded the game and its interesting indeed

    • AutoJosh

      November 14, 2017 at 17:13

      Thanks for the feedback

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