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BMW Group And Rimac Join Forces For Battery Technology



A special partnership has been forged: the BMW Group and Rimac will work together on battery technology. The results should be visible in production cars this decade.

When you think of a collaboration between Rimac Technology and a major car manufacturer, you probably initially think of Porsche, which is, after all, a major shareholder in the Rimac Group. Now, however, the Croats are joining forces with the BMW Group. The aim is to jointly ‘develop and produce innovative solutions in the field of high-voltage batteries’. Not just for somewhere very far in the future; no, BMW reports that the results will end up in production cars as early as the second half of this decade.

What exactly are we talking about? Well, people are still a bit mysterious about that. This will probably mainly be reflected in shorter charging times and a higher energy density of the batteries. In any case, Rimac speaks of the ‘largest and most ambitious project’ in the history of Rimac Technology. That doesn’t matter. In any case, Rimac is setting up a battery production line for this on its ‘Rimac Campus’ near Zagreb. More will be announced later.

Rimac Technology Campus
