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Don’t Open Your Car Trunk From Inside For Anyone




We found this important and decided to share it on AutoJosh.

Read the warning below;

On my way home today at around 8: 15 pm, as soon as I took a right turn from star gate towards old terminal, a policeman signalled me to stop.

As I stopped, he asked me to open the trunk of the car. I opened the trunk from inside and was about to step down, but the policeman said, “Ok Ok u may go.”

I started my car and started driving, but something struck my mind, as from my rear view mirror, I saw one of the policemen immediately on his phone.

I went a bit ahead and finding a good road light stopped my car. Switching off the engine I went and opened my car trunk.

Guess what…. I was shocked to see two small zip lock pouches with white crystals inside. I was numbed but just decided to throw it away and thanked God for saving me from such rascals who would have caught me in a drug related case.

The policemen must have informed their colleagues standing at the next checkpoint to get hold of so and so car number.

I was correct in my guess. Approx half a mile later I was stopped by another policeman. This time too I was asked to open my trunk.

Now I got down, went behind and opened the trunk physically. I’m sure they must have been puzzled and surprised that they did not find anything.

*Please don’t open your car trunk from inside, for anyone, even at Malls. Always step down and open the trunk with keys and permit searching under your own supervision.*

Kindly share this as much as u can, to save people.
Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and outdoor

Source: CRACK Team NAIJA
