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How To Register A New Car In Nigeria



how to register new car nigeria

How To Register A New Car In Nigeria.

Did you just buy a new car and want to register it? Autojosh will give you the right guidelines on how to go about it. When you’re done reading this write-up, you’ll be grounded on how to properly go about it.

The guidelines is however for brand new vehicles or foreign used vehicles, but not Nigerian used/Registered vehicles.

Below are the steps to take to get your new car registered

1. Go to the State Board of Internal Revenue/Motor Licensing Authority (SBIR/MLA), pick up an “allocation of plate number” form and fill in all the required details. In order not to get fake number plate, go through our post on “FRSC List Of Approved Centers For Number Plates Across Nigeria”.

2. Attach all necessary documents and submit.

3. Once the authorities are satisfied, you will be required to fill these forms:

  • Allocation of Registration Number of New Vehicle Form
  • Auto vehicle License Form
  • Form B
  • Federal Road Safety Form
  • Tax Form

4. All the filled forms and attached documents are then forwarded to the police officer assigned to the licensing office for verification, by way of verification stamp and date indicated on the form.

5. The next step after the verification process is payment for a license plate which is done in the bank. The required amount is N50, 000. However, it is dependent on the type of plate you want. A post on this will be on Autojosh very soon.

6. After payment, you will be required to present your receipt and a plate number that is available will be issued to you. You will be given Proof of Ownership Certificate Number, Proof of ownership Certificate and a Vehicle Identification Tag (VIT).

7. All the original documents you submitted will then be returned to you.

8. The next step is to buy an insurance policy for your new car.
