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Lawyers Are Not Allowed To Advertise, But They Can Do This (PHOTOS)



Ever wondered why lawyers do not advertise their services on conventional mass media platforms?

Well, their profession does not permit them to advertise. In other words, it is unethical for a lawyer to advertise their practice, especial via conventional mass media platforms. Though, in some countries, this rule have been relaxed.

However, this does not stop some lawyers from devising creative means to showcase themselves or put their practice in the public focus.

For instance, in Nigeria, some lawyers always make themselves available on TV/radio programmes. There, they offer legal analysis of prevailing social, political and sundry issues. In the process, they creatively promote themselves and their practice. Some others take up controversial cases that have public attention, etc.

However, there is a particularly popular method by which lawyers advertise themselves. It is by means of car bumper stickers.

These “legal” bumper stickers bear information that informs other motorists or anyone reading it of the occupation of the owner of the car. In some cases, the sticker announces the relationship between the driver of the car and a lawyer.

These days, it is not uncommon to see some of these lawyer’s bumper stickers on cars driving around.

Here, showcases some photos of lawyers bumper stickers spotted around.
