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Mazda Has Been Certified As The Most Reliable Car, Beats Toyota



You heard it here people, Mazda has been tagged as the most reliable car brand beating both Toyota and Lexus. According to a survey presented by the Consumer Reports, Mazda beats the like of Toyota and Lexus by making things simple and back to basics. What Mazda did was to avoid pesky new powertrain technologies or finicky infotainment systems. They went for normal engines that can easily be worked on and minimalistic technology which buyers have no trouble setting up.

Another reason for Mazda’s rise is the fact that they have stayed clear from the electric vehicle market. Although they have 1 electric offering and going fully electric is a plan for the foreseen future.  Mazda really benefitted from their alliance with Toyota as both share a cordial relationship. Note that the survey changes from year to year and Mazda came out tops for the year 2020. With Mazda at the top of the reliability table, Toyota and Lexus occupy the 2nd and 3rd spot respectively. Surprisingly, Buick got the 4th spot and Honda is the 5th which is shocking to Honda but still among the top 5. Unfortunately, Tesla ranked the lowest scores due to recent complaints from customers about parts falling off etc. Lincoln too is among those that have the lowest score as with its sister brand Ford. Both are notorious for reliability issues.

Most of the Asian and European automakers complete the remainder of the scores with American automakers filling out the bottom half of the rankings. With more automakers switching to newer technology expect their reliability scores to drop further. Apart from Mazda Buick was a surprising brand as it beat Honda for the 1st time.
