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Mitsubishi Is Changing The Way Cars Give Signals



According to research 60 percent of pedestrian fatalities on roads occur at night .Mitsubishi wants to help reduce the number and make the road safer for everyone at night.

They have announced a new safe and secure lighting system ,which utilizes a mixture of symbols projected on road surfaces and electronic car displays to signal vehicle warning signals, movement and actions.

Let me break it down :

Imagine a system where you don’t have to depend solely on signals like reverse light ,but also on signals that are projected on the floor and other objects.

Take a look at the images below :

Images :Mitsubishi 

With time the system is expected to be integrated into self-driving cars ,so it can inform pedestrians and other road users especially conventional drivers of any move it intends to make.

Are we in the future already ?

Keep the comments rolling in .


Reference:Mitsubishi Electric

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