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Peace Mass Transit Releases A Guide On Seat Numbering And Sitting In Their Buses



peace mass transit buses

Peace Mass Transit has addressed the seat numbering and sitting issue in PMT buses following some complaints raised some weeks ago about their transit.

The management of Peace Mass Transit issued out a statement as regards to the sitting arrangements in their buses.

Below is the statement;

It has become necessary, owing to a recent event, to clarify matters with regards to sitting arrangements in Peace Mass Transit (PMT) buses. Our passengers/customers should please note the following:

1. In buses within local routes (short distance journeys that terminate in an hour or thereabout) there is no strict adherence to any sitting arrangement. That means a passenger can sit anywhere he or she likes, or finds a seat available, irrespective of what is written on the ticket obtained at the point of payment.

2. On the highway routes (long distance trips) passengers sit strictly according to the number on their tickets. If a passenger has a ticket for the number 2 seat, for instance, he or she would be automatically entitled to sit on seat No 2!

3. Passengers can agree to swap seats; that would be strictly their decision. PMT does not get involved in such transactions.

4. All passengers are treated equally as valued customers, irrespective of gender, creed or tribe.

5. Passengers are also encouraged to use the Customer Service lines on their tickets, to report perceived/ alleged cases of mistreatment by depot staff: at the point of boarding; in the course of the journey, or at the destination terminal.
