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Safe Ways To Find Directions To Any Location



While I was growing up to officially “become a man”, finding my way around Lagos was a bit difficult. Even as an adult, there are still many people who find it difficult finding their way around, and this is not restricted to Lagos only, just about anywhere !.
I have heard about stories of people who embarked on journeys trying to locate a place and they never came back. Why ?, they most likely asked the wrong people, or didn’t take the safe approach.
Today, I would be sharing safe ways by which you can find directions to any location in the world .

Start From Home

The best and safest places to find and know directions to a place is to ask people you are already familiar with. Your family is a great start, your neighbours are also an excellent option. Just make sure that whoever is giving you direction is sure of what he/she is saying .If they don’t sound sure, ask two or more people(at home) and make sure all their directions are similar(some locations have multiple possible routes).

Ask In Forums

Online forums are very good places to ask for directions, you can’t be misled .If someone attempts to give you a wrong direction, most likely someone else would make a correction to the wrong information. This is one of the easiest and safest on the list.

Ask Police / Military / Traffic Men

Only ask pedestrians for directions, if there is no other choice. The best people to ask for directions on the road are police/military/traffic control men, they would be more than willing to help. I am speaking from experience, and yes , This is Nigeria .

Go To Motor Parks

We can’t deny the fact that Danfo drivers have Google Maps installed in their brains. They know just about anywhere. The precaution here is never ask by the road side, especially at night and early in the morning, some people have been kidnapped in this process. Go into the park and ask for directions !.

Stay safe, and be very careful who you ask for directions.


