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See Why There is Always Accidents On Third-Mainland Bridge (See PHOTOS)



Third Mainland Bridge –  otherwise known as Ibrahim Babangida Boulevard  –  is the longest of the three bridges connecting Lagos Island to the mainland, the others are the Eko and Carter bridges.

The bridge has a total length of 11.8 km.

The Third Mainland bridge is fast gaining notoriety as a venue for frequent automobile accidents – of which many leads to fatality.

Of late, a day hardly goes by without a record of an incidence of an automobile crash.

Many concerned Lagosians now wonder: can’t these accidents be averted?

Read also: 15 Things To Know About The Third-Mainland Bridge


Interestingly, the reason for the frequent accident on Third Mainland Bridge is obvious – Over-speeding.

The recommended maximum speed limit on the Third Mainland bridge is 70km/h for cars and 60km/h for buses.

If one is driving at 70km/h, one can manage the wheels, but not at 100km/h or more.

When driving at a high speed, it is more difficult to react on time, and it is harder to control your vehicle in the potential event of an accident.

It is for this reason that vehicles sometimes summersault on the bridge and/or plunge into the waters.

Sadly, the legally allowed speed limit appears to be the starting speed for many motorists plying that bridge.

Driving within the stipulated speed limit is the most effective way to avoid car crashes.

Tragically, there is absolutely no enforcement of the speed limit on the Third Mainland Bridge.

