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Thief Trying To Steal Catalytic Converter Dies After Toyota Prius Falls On Top Of Him



Vehicle Importers Raises Alarm As Syndicate Stealing “Catalytic Converters” Besieged Lagos RoRo Terminals - autojosh

Thief trying to steal a car’s catalytic converter dies after a jack he was using collapsed and the Toyota Prius fell on top of him.

Catalytic converter contains precious metals that help turns the hazardous exhaust gasses into less toxic pollutants.

These precious metals, including platinum, palladium and rhodium, are now worth 20 times more than gold.

An ounce of rhodium now cost £20,000 (N10.6 million) while an ounce of palladium is worth £1,688 (N891k).

Catalytic converter contains precious metals that are now worth 20 times more than gold and a thief who was trying to steal one has died after a jack he was using collapsed and the Toyota Prius fell on top of him.

The incident happened last week Wednesday in Anaheim California. According to the police, the thief was found under the car after an employee spotted the body while on his way to work at 6:19 a.m.

US authorities reports that there has been a significant rise in catalytic converter thefts since the beginning of the pandemic.

Catalytic converter contains precious metals that help turns the hazardous exhaust gasses emitted by an engine into less toxic pollutants.

Thief trying to steal catalytic converter dies after Toyota Prius falls on top of him

These precious metals, now worth 20 times more than gold, includes platinum, palladium and rhodium. The thieves always melt these precious metals before selling.

National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), said in a statement, that :

“As the value of the precious metals contained within the catalytic converters continues to increase, so do the number of thefts of these devices.

“There is a clear connection between times of crisis, limited resources, and disruption of the supply chain that drives investors towards these precious metals.”

Catalytic converters used in newer hybrid cars contain a higher percentage of precious metals, making them a target.

An ounce of rhodium has now surged to £20,000 (N10.6 million) while an ounce of palladium is worth £1,688 (N891k).

  • See Also : Beware Of Thieves : World’s Most Precious Metal, Palladium, Used For Making Catalytic Converters, Now Costlier Than Gold

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