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12 Ways To Avoid Causing Accidents On The Third-Mainland Bridge



Incidences of car crashes or somersaults on the Third Mainland Bridge, Lagos, are becoming quite frequent – almost as frequent as every day.

While no one wishes to be involved in any of these accidents, it imperative, as motorists, that we take deliberate steps to prevent being involved in an accident on this famous bridge.

As motorists, in what ways can we help to prevent car accidents happening on the Third Mainland bridge or any expressway?

Below are some strategies that motorists should employ in order to be involved in an accident on the popular Third Mainland Bridge – or any expressway.

Avoid Over-speeding

Driving within the stipulated speed limit is the most effective way to avoid accidents on the bridge. Always check your speedometer while you drive. Abide by the recommended speed limit of 70km/hour on the Third Mainland bridge.


Avoid tailgating

Give a safe distance between your and the car ahead of you. Driving too close to the vehicle in front of you could prove dangerous. The sudden application of the brake by the vehicle ahead of you can cause you to crash into it.


Do not reduce your speed suddenly

This is important for 2 reasons: if there is no good distance between your car and the one behind you, stepping on your brake abruptly can cause the vehicle behind you to crash into your car. Also, a sudden application of your brake – when your car is on high-speed can cause the momentum on the car to force it forward and cause the car to somersault.


Consult Your mirror before overtaking

Do not overtake abruptly without checking your rearview mirrors.

Overtaking without checking your rearview mirrors is a high-risk practice on this bridge. Use your mirrors, or take a quick sideways glance if necessary into the blind spot area and then start to move out.


Try To Maintain a lane

Do not change lane randomly. Before you change lane, signal your intention with the turn signal, then gradually increase your speed in the acceleration lane, and pay attention to other vehicles. Only enter when it is safe. Upon entering, accelerate fast in order to avoid slowing down other vehicles.


Do Not immediately follow overtaking cars ahead of you

Do not immediately follow an overtaking vehicle ahead of you. This is not always wise as there may only be enough room for one vehicle.


Use your signals before overtaking

Ensure to use the right signal to indicate to the driver behind you of your intention. You should signal for at least 5 seconds before you start overtaking.

Look ahead while Driving

Except to check your side mirrors, it is important that you always look ahead; shun all forms of distractions, like casually looking at the occupants of cars beside yours. The majority of accidents on expressway occur when drivers fail to keep looking ahead.


If your tyre bursts, don’t apply the brake immediately

Do not slam on the brake pedal immediately you experience a tyre blowout on the bridge. Of course, this is easier said than done. Our natural reaction during a tyre blow out is to step on the brake. This is the worst thing that thing you can do as it will further imbalance the vehicle and throw it out of control. A tyre blowout could lead to a complete loss of control of the car.  This could be worse with SUVs and high vehicles. However, train yourself to avoid applying the brake suddenly when such happens.


Leave early for your destination

Make plans to leave for your destinations early. This will ensure that you are not pressured into over-speeding while driving on the Third Mainland Bridge.


Use your caution signals

In the event that your car breaks down on the bridge, ensure to use your caution signs to alert vehicles coming behind you of the danger posed by your car ahead of them. Place the caution signs within a reasonable distance from your broken down car.


Check the condition of your car before the trip

Checking to see that your car is sound enough for the trip is a very important safety measure.

