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Don’t Sit Too Close To The Steering: Airbag Safety Tips For Short Drivers




Many times, I have seen drivers sit too close to the steering wheel as they drive. This drew my attention because the safety of such driver is highly compromised. I have wondered how dangerous it is for these drivers who sit this close to an airbag and the very foreseeable injuries they can sustain from an airbag if they’re involved in any type of car accident or front-end impact.

Even though airbags provide us with safety, there are also hidden dangers.

  • Airbags are 75 percent effective in preventing serious head injuries.
  • It’s 66 percent effective in preventing serious chest injuries.
  • Driver airbags also reduce deaths by about 14 percent in all kinds of crashes.

Improper sitting by some drivers is more prominent for the lady drivers and short drivers. They have this tendency to get the driver seat closer to the steering so they can have a clear view of the road and not drive as though they are buried in a hole.

For safety reasons, sitting very close to the airbags is very wrong. If there is impact or collision that will actuate the shooting out of the airbags, sitting very close to it can cause:

  • Suffocation
  • Hitting your face which can cause neck dislocation
  • High blood pressure because of shock.

For normal and safe driving posture, your elbows should be splayed outwards at all time. In case you don’t understand this, take a look at the way formula one driver sit as they race.

At all times, never forget your safety as the driver is your utmost priority; we only live once.

Ensure you have a safe distance between yourself and the steering wheel at all times.
Finally, please DO NOT deactivate your airbag for any reason! IT WILL DO YOU MORE WELL THAN HARM.
