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Different Types Of Customers Who Come To Buy Car



Different types of customers who come to buy car is an entertainment tweet compiled by NoLongTalk on Twitter. In the post, you’ll see the different types of people who go to buy cars. The author made the tweets from the perspective of a car dealer.

As a car dealer, these are the different kinds of customers/buyers you get to see in the world of car buying.

1. The Talk and Dos

These kind of customers say things and do exactly what they say. If they tell you they are coming for inspection, they would show up. When they see the car they like, they inspect and make payment straight up. They don’t stress your life. The real MVPs

2. The Swappers

These set of customers have an already dead and under maintained car they want to swap with your good car. “Boss, that my car clean o. E dey move wella” is always in their mouth. The amount they value their car can make a charged odogwu become flaccid.

3. Can I buy and pay small small

This type of customer has N3m for car but his eyes are on N14m 2016 Mercedes Benz C300. They are often serious with everything until it gets to the last thing which is making payment for the car of their choice. No be me and you.

4. Time wasters

This type will book inspection and then invite 10 of his trusted mechanics to check the car. After the mechanics are done, his brother in-law will come. Then his secondary school classmate and so on. They end up not buying.

5. The correct guys

This type of customer will call you on phone or chat with you, ask you few questions and then ask for an account to pay in full. They just trust your judgement and allow you do your thing.
Smart dealers don’t joke with this type of customer

6. Unrealistic expectant buyers

This type of buyer with a very low budget would want an accident free 2005 Toyota Camry below 50k miles in mileage. He wants an LE with all the perks of full option.
Dishing out disturbances is in their DNA
