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Kaduna State Plate Number Codes And What They Mean



kaduna state plate number code

Every state in Nigeria has their various plate number codes. These codes engraved on plate numbers have what they mean.

In our previous posts, we talked about Lagos State, Anambra, Imo, Abia, Ondo, Katsina, Oyo and Enugu State plate number codes and what they mean. This time around, we would reveal the meaning of the codes engraved on Kaduna State Plate Numbers.

The following first three letters you see on any plate number indicates the Local Government area in which the vehicle was registered.

Below are the Kaduna state plate number codes and what they mean.

KGK – Kagarko

KCH – Kachia

KJR – Kajuru

KJM – Chikun (Kujama)

KWB – Jaba (Kwoi)

KAF – Jema’s (Kafanchan)

KRU – Kauru

KRA Kaura

KAR – Ikara

MKR – Makarfi

MKA – Kaduna South (Makera)

DKA – Kaduna North (Doka)

GKW – Giwa

HKY – Kudan (Hunkuyi)

ZKW – Zangon Kataf (Zonkwa)

TRK – Igabi (Turunku)

SNK – Lere (Saminaka)

ANC – Kubau (Anchau)

MGN – Soba (Maigana)

BNG – Birnin Gwari

SBG – Sabon Gari (Sabon Garin Zaria)

ZAR – Zaria

GWT – Sanga (Gwanto)

The license plates are generally white and the number itself is imprinted in blue. The background consists of an outline of a map of Nigeria. The top left corner bears the Nigerian flag or the coat of arm. The state name and slogan is displayed at the top centre of the plate, and the “Federal Republic of Nigeria” is written at the bottom.

Did we miss any of the Kaduna state plate number codes? Kindly let us know using the comment section.
