Before we get the ball rolling about Kiira Motors Corporation, here is what I have to say:
No doubt Africa is making awesome progress when it comes to the design and manufacture of automobiles.
Some time ago I reviewed the Wallys Iris, an automobile manufactured in Tunisia. Not to forget Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing (IVM), which is also doing well.
Now let’s talk about Kiira Motors Corporation.
Established in 2014 in Uganda, a brainchild of Makerere University. It is owned by the Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) – the public investment arm of the Uganda Government and Makerere University.
For now, they have not gone into full-scale mass production, but they have produced three concept vehicles(although they have two other vehicles that run on petrol-The Kiira CT and Kiira Xova) :
“Kiira EV, 2011”, a two-seater electric car.
“Kiira EV SMACK, 2014”, a five-seater sedan- a hybrid electric vehicle.
and the “Kayoola Solar Bus, 2016” a Battery Electric Vehicle with a Real-Time Solar Charging System for range extension.
February 25, 2017 at 07:53
Innovative! Sure they can make Africa proud if they have all the necessary support from us.
February 27, 2017 at 10:32
Sure. it will only get better daily