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Pedal-powered Electric Motorcycle Maker eROCKIT Is Preparing For The Future



Pioneering manufacturer of pedal-powered electric motorcycle eROCKIT is preparing for the future.

It is issuing shares as part of a first public offer, and the proceeds will be used to expand production and sales structures

This means that the eROCKIT Group is well-positioned for future corporate growth.

eROCKIT AG has taken over 100% in eROCKIT Systems GmbH and started issuing shares as part of a first public offer. With the proceeds, eROCKIT, as a pioneering manufacturer of pedal-controlled electric motorcycles, would like to further expand production, product range, and sales structures. This means that the eROCKIT Group is well-positioned for future corporate growth.

“The climate targets and the increasing worldwide bans on vehicles with internal combustion engines offer an unprecedented opportunity for new players in the market.

The legal form of a stock corporation is ideal for accepting further investors on the capital market and meeting the high demand more quickly, ”explains Andreas Zurwehme, Chairman of eROCKIT AG.

Richard Gaul, the former head of communications at BMW, is on the eROCKIT AG supervisory board. “The eROCKIT is probably one of the most important breakthrough innovations in the field of two-wheelers.

As an emission-free top product ‘Made in Germany’, it is able to solve global urban mobility problems. The very special is the so-called human hybrid technology, which can also be used in other markets,” explains Richard Gaul.

Markus Leder, former head of development at Pininfarina, is in charge of production and quality control.

Prominent shareholders of eROCKIT AG include German first league soccer star Max Kruse, media entrepreneur Aaron Troschke and the German investment company Mittelstaendische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg

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