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The Boeing 777X’s GE9X Engine Is Officially The World’s Most Powerful Jet Engine



The Guinness Book of World Records has officially declared the world’s largest commercial jet engine, the General Electric GE9X engine, as the world’s most powerful.

The new GE9X engine, which is set to power the new Boeing 777X planesthat comes with 5-star bedrooms, cinema, office, shower pods and bar –maintained 134,300 pounds of thrust during an engineering test on the 10th of November 2017.

The previous record holder was the GE90-115B engine that powers the Boeing 777-300ER aircrafts. It was able to hold 127,900 pounds of thrust during a test run in 2002.

This announcement was made to coincide with General Electric’s 100-year anniversary celebrations on July 12th.

President and Chief Executive of GE Aviation, David Joyce, said:

“While we didn’t set out to break the thrust Guinness World Record title, we are proud of the engine’s performance….”

Despite the massive power generated by the GE9X engines, the Boeing 777X planes it will power will only have their engines rated to 105,000 pounds of thrust.

The thrust capability demonstrated by the GE9X engines is not too far off the 188,000 pounds of thrust on the Soyuz rocket that the Russian used to put cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into space.
