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Two Yellow Aventadors Smashes Each Other In Singapore (Photo)



An accident can happen at any time but what is so weird is that it involves two yellow Aventadors. Both Lamborghinis were involved in an accident in Singapore. Not only are the two painted yellow but also feature very similar exterior enhancements, specifically black wheels, rear diffusers, side skirts, and rear spoilers. So what happened ???

It appears one of the yellow Aventadors was stopped at a light when the other rammed it at the rear-ended. In other words, a reckless accident that was easily avoidable. It’s certainly possible the culprit driver was not paying attention. Like many other streets throughout the world these days, far fewer motorists were out and about due to lockdowns. The roads were mostly empty and this guy let his guard down.

But instead of accepting what happened and calling the standard tow truck and trading insurance information, the owners did something kind of unusual. They quickly hopped out of their Lambos and proceeded to remove the vehicles’ license plates.

The reason for them taking off their licence plate is because of Singapore’s struck laws (the punishment for dealing drugs can be death). To add to that again is the presence of CCTV cameras so that they will not be identified. The Police later came and towed both vehicles away.
