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Check Out These Awesome Ideas Of What To Use Old Tyres For



Most people throw their old tyres away once they get a new one . If you are a DIY enthusiast like me , you would find this very interesting and educative .

Lets get creative !

1.This would be lovely in your compund , dont you think so ?


2.This is awesome , and it cant get broken !, or stolen easily

3.Well, you would surely need some tools to get this done .

4.Isn’t this cute !

5.For the music and car enthusiasts

6.A bicycle park !

7.Free blocks for that bungalow you have being thinking of building

8.At least this won’t get broken

9.I am short of words

10.Lovely mirror frame

11.Ha !

12.This would look beautiful at night !

13.For flower lovers

14.This is art !

15.Free fashion accessories

16.Finally, a thick sole !

17.This roofing process would take a while , but it looks like its totally worth it !

18.Now, this is cute !

What do you think ?


