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Speed Darlington Video Tutorial On How To Change Mercedes Benz E350 Key Fob’s Battery



Ever since Nigerian-born Speed Darlington on Instagram bought his 2010 Mercedes Benz E350, he has so much resorted to DIY. He barely takes his car to professionals for repair. He is his own electrician, his own panel beater and painter all joined together.

On several occasions, he’ll  upload a DIY video on his Instagram page telling people it’s a way to avoid spending on mechanics. The other day, it was a DIY on air filter and air intake seal of his Benz.

On today’s edition, it’s about the key fob of his Mercedes Benz E350. He showed how to place the batteries and then how to close it up.

Watch the video via the link Here. We can conclude by saying this guy right here is an advocate of DIY.

