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Tesla Cybertruck Was Inspired By This $1million James Bond Lotus Esprit Submarine Car (Photo)




Lotus Esprit submarine car in the 1977 James Bond film “The Spy Who Loved Me” inspired the futuristic Tesla Cybertruck. An unnamed couple sold the Subcar, which they bought for just $100, to Elon Musk For $997,000.

The Tesla Cybertruck has been in the news cycle since its debut over two weeks ago. This is partly because the futuristic truck looks nothing like a traditional pickup you will find on the road.

The 6-seater truck looks like a large metal trapezoid on wheels as it doesn’t have a seperate body and a frame like most trucks.

But what really inspired the unconventional design?

According to Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, the Cybertruck was inspired by the Lotus Esprit submarine car in the 1977 James Bond film “The Spy Who Loved Me.”

Like we revealed in an earlier post,
the 1976 Lotus Esprit submarine car was rediscovered inside a storage container that was sold to an unnamed couple for just $100 in 1989.

The couple later sold the $100 Subcar to a secret buyer in 2013 for nearly $1 million ($997,000 or ₦361 million). The secret buyer later turned out to be billionaire CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk.

The submarine car is one of just eight Lotus Esprits used during the shooting of the film. It was the only example used in filming underwater scenes.

This Subcar, also known as the “Wet Nellie”, doesn’t actually transform as it does in the 007 movie. But it is truly a fully functional submarine with a water-tight cabin, four propellers and ballast tanks.

Musks’ intention was to make the car’s movie transformation from car to submarine a reality. He plans to power it with Tesla powertrain.
