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Tesla Model 3 Gets Perfect 5-star Safety Rating In All Category From NHTSA,Watch The Crash Test



The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has awarded Tesla Model 3 with 5 stars safety rating (the highest rating) in all categories and subcategories.

The all-electric Model 3 received the five-star rating in the frontal crash, side crash and rollover categories.

The Model 3 also come standard with the NHTSA’s Recommended Car Safety Technologies such as forward collision warning systems, dynamic brake support, crash imminent braking and lane departure warning features.

The electric car can also park Itself without a driver behind the wheels just like the other Tesla Models.

During the side crash test,a 3,015 pound (i.e. 1367kg) barrier moving at 38.5 mph was smashed into the standing Model 3 .

Other Tesla Models like the Model S sedan and Model X SUV had earlier achieved the same impressive results – which means all Tesla’s entire lineup of production models have the 5-Star safety ratings.

Watch The NHTSA’s Tesla Model 3 Crash Test Videos

Frontal Crash Test

Side Crash Test

Side Pole Crash Test

How safe is your car?
