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Toyota And Tesla Are The World’s Most Valuable Car Brand In 2023



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What is actually the most valuable car brand in the world? It turns out that there is no clear answer to that. According to market researcher Interbrand, it is Toyota again this year, but it largely depends on who you ask.

In April, Tesla was named the most valuable car brand in the world by Brand Finance. Brand Finance is not the only market researcher to draw that conclusion. Research agency Kantar also estimates Tesla, just like in 2022, as the most valuable car brand in the world. Market researcher Interbrand thinks differently. In its annual Best Global Brands ranking, Toyota is the car brand with the greatest brand value in 2023. In 2022, Interbrand was also of the opinion that Toyota was the most valuable car brand in the world.

This year, Interbrand assigned Toyota a brand value of €58.94 billion. The market researcher estimates Toyota’s value to be 8 percent higher than last year. According to Interbrand, Mercedes-Benz is the most valuable car brand after Toyota, with a brand value of €56.12 (+9 percent) billion. BMW follows in fourth place with an estimated brand value of €46.75 billion (+10 percent). In the Interbrand ranking, Tesla is ‘only’ in fifth place with an estimated brand value of €45.63 billion (+4 percent).

If we look at all brands, Apple is once again the most valuable brand in the world, according to Interbrand. Apple’s brand value is estimated by Interbrand at more than €459 billion. Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are consecutively in second, third, and fourth place. Samsung follows in fifth place, after which Toyota follows in sixth place. When determining brand value, Interbrand says it looks at the financial results, ‘the role the brand plays among customers who are considering a product’, and the competitive position of a company.

Top 10 most valuable car brands Interbrand 2023

1 Toyota
2 Mercedes Benz
4 Tesla
5 Honda
6 Hyundai
7 Audi
8 Porsche
9 Volkswagen
10 Ford


What does the Top 10 look like in the annual Brandz Top 100 from research agency Kantar? Kantar puts Tesla (€61.80 billion) back at number one and, unlike Interbrand, also puts BYD and Ferrari in the Top 10. Toyota is in second place in Kantar’s ranking. What is striking is the enormous distance between Tesla, the number one, and Toyota, the number two. Kantar estimates Toyota’s brand value at €26.04 billion, less than half the value that Interbrand attributes to Toyota. Mercedes-Benz is in third place in Kantar’s rankings, with an estimated brand value of €21.90 billion.

The top 10 most valuable car brands Kantar (Brandz) 2023

1 Tesla
2 Toyota
3 Mercedes Benz
5 Porsche
7 Ford
8 Audi
9 Honda
10 Ferrari
