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7 Classes Of Vehicle Title Brands Every Car Importer/Buyer Should Know



Vehicle Title Brands

Vehicle title brands are designation on cars to let the buyer know the condition of the cars. This allows the buyer know if the car has experienced an incident or damage that may have compromised it at some point.

These title brands can vary from state to state but we would list the most common ones we have out there. It is very important to know the title brand you want to purchase so you don’t end up buying a total liability.

A thing of concern is how many unsuspecting car dealers import some bad title brands, refurbish the car and then tell you it’s a clean title car. This is where VIN check comes to play. One of the most important checks you should carry out when buying your tokunbo or some Nigerian used cars is a VIN check.

Go through our post on 12 Reasons To Do A Car VIN Check Before You Buy That Car” to find out why it is salient to carry out VIN check before buying a foreign used or tokunbo car.

Below are the 7 classes of vehicle title brands every car importer or buyer should know

1. Clean Title

Clean title is not a branded vehicle per se. A vehicle with clean title is a vehicle which has not been in an accident before. It is also a car that has been involved in a very minor accident that can be easily fixed at no much cost.

2. Salvage Title

Salvage title is a type of vehicle title brand give to a vehicle that has been severely damaged in an accident or natural disaster. Insurance companies consider such a car as a  total loss. This is because repairing such car can expensive. Insurance companies would rather sell them off at auction. Many car dealers go for this tile. They will import it, fix it and sell it off to unsuspecting customers.

3. Fleet Title

Fleet title notifies the buyer that a car has recorded several miles driven by multiple drivers. These vehicles have been used in public transportation, law enforcement, daily rental or commercial applications. Most of these fleet cars are taxis, rental cars, company vehicles, police vehicles and so on. These set of cars have an above-average likelihood of wear-and-tear.

4. Flood Title

A vehicle with flood title is a vehicle that have been through a flood. However, cars that have suffered damage from standing water can also receive salvage or junk titles. Hurricanes, thunderstorms and flash flooding are responsible for water damage on many vehicles. If you are planning to buy a used car that was imported from the United State, then you might need to be extra cautious. Read our post on “6 Ways To Spot A Flood Damaged Car.”

5. Lemon Title

A car with the lemon title is a car that has been fixed multiple times for a particular issue with no corresponding positive results.  It is common to call any car that has excessive mechanical problems a “lemon.”

6. Junk Title

A car with the junk brand title can only be sold for parts or scraps. crushed, dismantled, scrap, and unrepairable are similar titles.

This is what most dealers who deal in car parts go for.

7. Rebuilt Title

A car with the rebuilt title is a salvage car that has been repaired and is considered to be driveable again.

You should also beware of title washing. Some cars that carry branded titles can go through title washing. This happens when a vehicle with a branded title is brought to another state and retitled to remove the brand.

Do you want to import cars?  Car importation from USA and Canada is also our specialty. Contact us today so we give you the best deal.

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