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Are These The Worst Paint Jobs Ever Done On Cars?



worst paint jobs

The paint job done on a car is one of the very first things the eyes sees when gazed upon a car. We are all privileged to see the exterior of these cars without seeking for permission. How and what the interior look like is a different ball game.

Whenever you look at any car, you’ll either be delighted with the colour or be pissed off why the owner  have such paint jobs on them.

Whatever paint job a car owner decides to go for is solely their business but some people are destined not to have a good taste when it comes to colour combination. Before going for any colour combination of your choice, just have it at the back of your mind not to paint it army green as long as you’re in Nigeria. You can find out the consequences of painting your car army green here.

We made a compilations of the ones we consider to be the worst paint jobs. Do you think these are the worst paint jobs on cars?


1. Too much of everything is bad. The owner of his car must be a die hard fan of the super mario game.


2. This multiple colour painting occur when you suffer from high level of indecisiveness. Maybe he/she is a colour freak and want as much colour as possible on the car.


3. He must be a joker; no doubt. It was even crudely painted.


4. The DIY extremists. When you think you can do it all just by watching a DIY video on YouTube.


Checkout These Weird Airbrush Car Paintings (PHOTO)

5. The owner must be a very serious cat lover.


6. Poor Jeep Cherokee. This happens when you give an 8-year-old kid your car to paint. There is no particular pattern at all .


7. Everything about this painting is dull. The colour combination is dull, the cartoon drawn on it wears a dull look. It’s simply dull and unappealing.


8. It’s not fair to have done this on a multi million Naira Bugatti Veyron. Good taste of car mixed with unpleasant taste of paint job.


9.  When you can’t just get enough of Burberry. He should be made Burberry ambassador.

