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Obalende Bus-stop Is Back In Its Dirty Ways



Not too long ago in 2016, the popular Obalende bus stop axis was renovated. It was given a modern and resplendent outlook.

Prior to then, Obalende bus stop was a massive disorganize beehive of heavy commercial and vehicular activities.

In 2016, when it was cleaned up and renovated. The entire place then gained an unbelievable transformation.

However, today, Obalende bus stop is showing signs of slipping back into its pre-2016 outlook.

A visit to Obalende bus stop, today, clearly shows that it is a total contrast from how it was in mid-2016.

The whole place is suffering from a terrific illustration of poor maintenance culture.

The degrading  look of Obalende bus stop today is another pointer to how we have a system that places no priority on the maintenance of public utilities.


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