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Two French Soldiers Killed In Mali After Their Vehicle Hit Improvised Explosive Device (IED)



Two French Soldiers Killed In Mali After Their Vehicle Hit Improvised Explosive Device IED - autojosh

Two French soldiers killed in Mali after their vehicle hit improvised explosive device (IED).

The incident comes days after three others were killed in similar fashion when their car hit roadside bomb.

50 French soldiers have now lost their lives in Mali since France launched operation in 2013 to help drive back jihadist forces.

Two French soldiers were killed on Saturday, January 2, 2021, when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device (IED) in northeastern Mali.

Their deaths comes just days (December 28) after three others were killed in similar fashion in Hombori, in southeast Mali.

50 French soldiers have now lost their lives since France first intervened in 2013 to help drive back jihadist forces.

Two French soldiers killed in Mali after their vehicle hit Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

Those killed includes, Sergeant Yvonne Huynh, a 33 year old mother of one, and 24 year old Corporal Loic Risser. Both soldiers were members of a regiment specialising in intelligence work.

According to the French presidency, another soldier was also wounded in the blast but the injuries were not life-threatening.

50 French soldiers have now lost their lives in Mali since France launched operation in 2013

“Their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device during an intelligence mission,”

French forces, numbering 5,100 troops, alongside soldiers from Mauritania, Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, have been fighting jihadist groups since 2013.
