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6 Things To Know Before Installing An Automatic Gate Operator



bernswaelz / Pixabay

If you would like to install an automatic or remote gate operator, you would find the following information very helpful.



Automatic gate operators (For sliding gates) works with gates that moves on rollers. If your gate does not have good rollers, your automatic gate operator will not last. Because bad rollers over time gets stiff and makes the gate harder to move. When your gate becomes harder to move, it adds to the workload the automatic gate operator has to carry and will cause your automatic gate operator to suddenly fail.

When buying or fabricating your gate liaise with the welder or fabricator and make sure he uses good rollers. Get one yourself to be on the safe side

This aspect is very important and can never be overemphasized. If you want to install an auto gate operator, your gate must have very good rollers. Good rollers will ensure your auto gate motor keeps running for many many years.

Roller Track Position

Some welders position the gate roller track or angle iron on which the rollers run almost completely buried in the earth. This practice can cause even the best gate rollers to eventually fail because sand and other debris will hinder the roller from operating smoothly.

The roller should be on a raised track through out the length of the track. The track must also be straight and must plum!

Consider Alternative Power Supply (Solar)

Automatic gate operators are power by electricity and most of them have a battery backup that can store power and allow you to still use your autmatic gate operator in case of occasional power outage. But in Nigeria power outage and blackouts are norm and may last for days. In such s circumstances consider using a solar power system to power your gate motor in addition to electric power from the mains.It may cost a little bit more but its worthwhile to keep your automatic gate operator always working.

ONE Size Does Not Fit All

Automatic Gate motor comes in different power ranges. Some can move gates weighing 500kg – 800kg others up to 1500kg others up to 3500kg and of course the price of each differs. The biggest problem most people have is that they think all gate motors are the same. Your gate weighs 1200kg and your neighbors gate weighs only 600kg he tells you he installed his Automatic Gate Operator for X amount and you bargain for the same or even less amount. When a machine that carries 800kg maximum is installed on your gate and in a few months times it develops a fault due to overwork you say you have been scammed. You scammed yourself! 

Don’t sacrifice quality on the altar of price. Always insist on the best machine for your gate’s weight.

After Sales Services

Some people travel to Italy, China, France or the United States to buy an Automatic gate operator off the shelf, then get a technician to install it for them. After installation they are left to their fate. 

Even the best made machines need regular servicing and parts due to wear and tear. Those who imported the automatic gate operator from abroad soon find out how difficult it is to diagnose a fault. And even after successfully diagnosing a fault they realize that the cost of buying and importing even the smallest spare parts for their auto gate operator and then paying a technician to change it is so expensive. More so, most technicians in Nigeria who are not really conversant with imported models may end up damaging it in a bid to service or change a damaged part. 

To avoid this, get a reputable firm to install your automatic gate operator for you. There are cheaper, rugged and long lasting ranges of automatic gate operators with parts readily available here in Nigeria as well as companies that offer splendid after sales services. Some offer 12 to 24 months free maintenance and service. After that you may want to sign a yearly maintenance contract for a small fee.


Safety First

An Automatic Gate Operator is not a Toy! It should not be operated by children. Do not allow children to play with or near the gate motor area as serious injury could occur.

Keep pets and children away from a moving gate. Follow your operators guide on how to use the gate motor safely. 

Never try to fix or program the gate motor yourself. Always seek advice from the installer.


Following these basic rules, will ensure you enjoy your automatic gate motor and it will serve you for many many years.

Call 07036037821 for more details



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