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See What Happens When A Car Is Caught In The Take-off Blast Of A Boeing 747 Engines




Can A car survive the takeoff Blast of the Boeing 747’s engines?  The Top Gear crews answers that everyday question.

Basically, a 747 passenger plane supplied by Virgin Atlantic Airlines was usedy to test the propelling powers of the engine.

A Boeing 747 weighs almost 400 tons. The 4 engines of this giant must have quite a lot of thrust to take the monster Boeing 747 off the ground .

A Citreon 2CV and a Ford Mondeo are the test cars lending a helping hand to find out.

Watch how the cars were blown more than 100 metres when the aircraft engines were opened up to 99% of take-off power.

The cars were thrown down the runway after being caught in the take-off blast of the Boeing 747.

The Citroen 2CV was lifted from the ground by the blast, travelling more than 100 yards and overturning before crashing down.

A spokeswoman for Virgin Atlantic Airlines said Top Gear contacted them to recreate the old safety video.

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