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See The Reason Why Toyota Hiace Bus Is Not Sold Or Used In USA



toyota hiace bus usa

The Toyota Hiace Bus is a bus most Nigerian Public Transport Companies use; they totally find it cool. It is not just used by public transport companies, hospitals, schools, government parastatal, churches and lots more make very good use of them. But do you know that this very cool Toyota Hiace Bus is not sold or used in USA? Keep reading, we’ll get to the reason why.

Even though we see the Toyota Hiace bus as cool here in Nigeria, in the US, there is something that made a stain on it. This “something” is its crash testing. It does not meet the North American safety standards. The engine of the Toyota Hiace is located at the bottom of the car and leaves the car without bonnet. USA frowns at cars without bonnet. Another downside of cars with no bonnet is that it is very bad for aerodynamics, and therefore, not compatible with the long highways of USA. You can check here to see the best car seats and prices for babies in Nigeria.

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From the  first generation Toyota Hiace bus to the fifth generation, they had no bonnets. The sixth generation Toyota Hiace bus (2019) came out looking very different.  It is longer and larger than ever,  and the design is a radical departure from its predecessor. Everything is all brand new; new engine, new transmission, and a new platform. And for the 1st time ever the 2019 Toyota Hiace will be a front-engine compared to previous models that were inside. Its engines are a new 2.8-liter turbo-diesel, 4-cylinder, and a new 3.5 v6-engine.
