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These Roads In Dubai Are Testimonies Of Visionless Governments In Nigeria (PHOTOS)



Dubai is the most popular city in the United Arab Emirates. It is also one of the most visited cities in the world.

To achieve its current status, billions of dollars have been invested in the city to make it attractive to foreign tourists. This is expected to enhance economic development and international trade in the city.

One of the strategies employed by the authorities there to make Dubai a popular tourist destination is the provision of excellent quality road networks.

In Dubai, the network of roads,  especially the multi-lane highways, are in very resplendent condition.

Roads In Dubai: the second-best in the world for driving (2019)

Earlier this year, a French-based survey ranked Dubai as the second-best city in the world for driving in 2019.

All these put together have contributed in making Dubai a popular destination for tourists from all around the world.

In 2018, Dubai received 15.92 million overnight tourist visitors. Out of that figure, 185,000 were Nigerians.

In recent times, Dubai has become a popular vacation spot for Nigerians. It has also become a venue for parties and other forms of rendezvous.

Sadly, to any Nigerian visitor to Dubai, the quality of roads there is always a painful reminder of the total absence of visionary leadership in Nigeria. was recently in Dubai. And below are photos of some roads in the city that we captured.

Roads In Dubai
