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See How Fast A Floating Bridge Was Built By NATO Troops To Move Tanks Across A River



During the 2017 Saber Strike military operation, Troops from participating countries practiced the water obstacle crossing operation by using M3 Amphibious Rigs to make pontoon bridge to move tanks and other vehicles across water .

The Saber Strike operation is a United States Army Europe-led (USAREUR) combined forces exercise conducted annually to enhance the NATO Alliance throughout the Baltic region and Poland.

The exercise involves approximately 2,000 troops from 20 participating countries and it provides commanders and their staffs practical experience in organizing, controlling and supporting  coalition operations .

The M3 Amphibious Rig used in making the temporary bridge is a diesel powered, self-propelled amphibious  bridging vehicle that can move on both land and water. Each one of it cost about N2.7b ( US$7.5 million).
