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Good News: Car Sales Gradually Picking Up In Wuhan China



The coronavirus has put the whole world on a standstill, no movement and businesses have been on hold ever since. So many auto shows have been cancelled, major activities are on the brink of being dropped. Many projects have been suspended with no date of resumption.  And the dark times are set to continue, with the fallout for car manufacturers expected to be massive and sales initially expected to plummet. But it’s not all bad, and there’s a glimmer of hope that we might recover better than anticipated.

It has been reported that car sales have started to pick up in Wuhan China, the area where the coronavirus originated. Surprisingly, it is Audi cars that have picked up sales this time. The Audi cars that picked up sales were the A3 and Q5 SUV. This is excellent news because this will, in turn, enable other dealers to resume and manufacturers to produce more. As we all know that China is the largest market of cars worldwide. sure to their large population. The American market is now second in the pecking order.

It is also a good sign too for the U.S market as they are considering reopening their showrooms/plants once the storm has blown over, with a number of American brands already benefitting from Wuhan’s increase in sales. BMW like Audi has seen significant growth in China suggesting to thread softly and recover soon. The miracle of Wuhan China is a step in the right direction
